Harvey Mudd Inaugurates 总统 Harriet B. Nembhard


2月. 二十九日及三月一日, Harvey Mudd College welcomed alumni, 学生, 教师, 工作人员, 受托人, 代表, partners and friends to inaugurate Harriet B. Nembhard as the sixth president in the College’s 69-year history.

The two-day celebration included the formal investiture ceremony, an Annenberg Speaker Series talk, a community service project, 一场盛大的晚宴,与其他学院的校长进行小组讨论, 午宴, student musical and dance performances, a dance party and more.  

During the investiture ceremony March 1, 各选区代表纷纷向内姆哈德总统表示欢迎.

77届校董会主席吉姆·比恩(Jim Bean)在开幕式上欢迎Nembhard上台,并欢迎社区成员分享这一历史性时刻.

“Dr. Nembhard来到Harvey Mudd带来了丰富的教学经验, 奖学金, 政府, mentorship and leadership,比恩说.

宗教研究教授埃里卡·戴森谈到了生活在社区中的祝福和挑战,并表示她和马德社区都声称内姆哈德是“我们自己的一员”, and are eager to learn from you and to be changed by you.”

“May we do the difficult work of community, 各国之间的相互联系, of mutual responsiveness and responsibility, of holding each other accountable to our best selves, 我们最具创新性的, 有创意的, 以及重要的想法, our deepest connections to justice, 我们的风险, but possibly most promising, interventions into the systems that limit human thriving,戴森说.

校友会理事会主席凯西·弗兰奇(Kathy French) 1997年回忆了创始校长约瑟夫·普拉特(Joseph Platt)的信念,即每个班级都致力于学院的使命,并创造学院的未来.

“今天的活动是在更加复杂的气氛中正式传递我们领导的火炬. 而普拉特总统无法预见我们今天或未来面临的具体挑战和机遇, he correctly identified that ‘it is what we make of it,’”弗兰奇说。.

希兰Chodosh, president of Claremont McKenna College, 尼姆哈德的母校, 他们都欢迎哈丽特回到克莱蒙特,并邀请社区和她一起走向未来. “This is a proud moment for each of us, all of us. Not just in a point reached, but for the road not yet mapped. 这不仅是因为哈丽特的领导能力来自我们自己的家庭. 这就是她 现在 brings to our table; her special capabilities that will lead us forward,” Chodosh said.

学院主席兼数学系教授苏珊·马托诺西(Susan Martonosi)表示,“推动创新”对哈维·马德来说是一个恰当的主题, 因为学院自成立以来一直在创新,挑战STEM教育的规范,因为历史上这个时期特别需要创新. “The world needs Harvey Mudd College. But not the Harvey Mudd of yesterday or even of today; the world needs the Harvey Mudd College of tomorrow,马托诺西说.

“当我们站在未来的悬崖上时,我们很幸运地拥有哈里特·克林顿总统. Nembhard是一位领导者,他准备利用Harvey Mudd学院创新的优良传统来推动我们前进,马托诺西说.

工作人员 representative Laura Palucki Blake, 负责机构研究和有效性的助理副总裁, described how Nembhard’s presence, in words and leadership, is characterized by preparation, 好奇和关心.  

“Throughout the course of her career, 她表现出了参与具有挑战性的对话和做出艰难决定的勇气,同时流露出喜悦, 温暖, 这是领导像我们这样的机构所需要的同理心和正直,帕卢奇·布莱克说.

Kayleah Tsai, 24岁, president of ASHMC; and Henry Hammer ’24, student senate chair; reflected on their experience working with Nembhard since her arrival at the College.

“总统 Harriet has been such a joy to have on campus. 她是一位善良的领导, who really takes the time to stop and ack现在ledge everyone on campus, making them feel valued,蔡英文说.

“哈里特总统对我们这些冉冉升起的领导人来说是宝贵的资源. 她教会了我们选择正确的选择和正确的选择之间的区别,以及如何始终以善良和同理心来领导. 我们把她的许多话牢记在心,并继续把她视为优秀领导的榜样,哈默说.

劳拉•拉森, vice chair of the board of the 受托人, spoke about Nembhard’s ability to authentically connect with people.

CMC前第一夫人和密友吉尔·斯塔克评论说,内姆哈德有很多理由微笑, including the outstanding 学生, 太阳2平台的教职员工和董事们正在努力让世界变得更美好.

前博士生姜孝正(Hyojung Kang)描述了内姆哈德校长作为教师和顾问所体现的品质. “As you take on this new role as 总统, 我完全相信,你将继续以同样勇敢的领导精神领导, 激情, 卓越, integrity and humility. You will inspire 学生, 工作人员, 教师 members and community members to dream big, 以韧性迎接挑战,在我们所做的一切中始终追求卓越,Kang说.

Daughter Naomi Nembhard shared how while growing up, her mother often told her, “是好, 是聪明的,以及这些话对她的意义和重要性是如何不断增长的. “你的善良必须以明智的选择为后盾,因为无条件的善良并不总是真正的善良. 你们的聪明才智必须把善良放在首位,这样才能做出我们需要看到的改变,内姆哈德说.

Spouse and Professor of 工程 David Nembhard said, “随着我越来越了解这个社区,并经历成为这个社区的一部分, 我意识到我是多么的荣幸和自豪,能够与你们分享哈丽特作为我们的第六任校长领导太阳2平台. 愿她的领导能激励我们推动创新,达到新的高度.”

董事会主席Bean正式宣布Nembhard校长为Harvey Mudd学院第六任校长, bestowing her with the presidential medallion. Naomi Nembhard helped place the medallion on 总统Nembhard.

“我们致力于不断创造和分享能够引发积极变化的解决方案, 不仅从我们过去的遗产中汲取灵感,而且从我们未来努力的无限潜力中汲取灵感,” Nembhard said in her inaugural address.

”在一起, let us embrace this journey with optimism, 勇气, determination and a shared dedication to 卓越. 在一起, 让我们继续推动创新,开拓知识的前沿,激励后代的思想家和领导者. 在一起, let’s soar to even greater heights!”

仪式在克莱蒙特音乐会合唱团的合唱和Ada Limón的诗歌朗诵中结束, the United States Poet Laureate.

仪式结束后, the inauguration celebration continued with an all-campus lunch, a community engagement activity, student performances and a dance party.

查看 full investiture ceremony.